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Welcome to the California Militia

"Where peace and preparedness meet"

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We The People

Zoom Meeting

Join us on Zoom this Wednesday

August 10th, 2022 @ 4PM PST 


Prolific writer and expert on Bio Magnetism, Jamie Lee (aka Dr. Magnetism), will be speaking on the radical healing effects of this universal healing modality, among other topics he's quite knowledgeable in.


Jamie Lee will also touch on his perspective about these crazy times in which we live, and share his recommendations for what to do and how to prepare for what's coming.


Hope you'll join us for this very special guest and informative session. For further information, please visit his website at


We look forward to seeing you there!


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Featured Action! Group

Why the Word Militia?

The word "militia" means "people". We are all the Militia. The Militia is the able-bodied people coming together in an emergency or time of need and helping each other. Please take a moment to navigate through our website to gain a deeper inner-standing of what we are endeavoring.


The California Militia emphasizes a spirit of self empowerment, self reliance, and independence. In order to strengthen our self reliance and independence, we focus heavily on methods to increase our health and wellness, and place ourselves in a position where we are as self-reliant as reasonably practical.  

People Helping People

In 2021, the people on the land in Los Angeles County cooperatively organized, and are now standing as free people on Los Angeles County, the State of California, and The United States of America. We are devoted to keeping the peace, while maintaining our stance for freedom and equality for all.

Civil Peacetime Flag 


We the People, actually have two national flags, a military flag and a civil flag for peacetime.

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©2021 by The California Militia--"Where Peace and Preparedness Meet"

Phone: (925) 998-1019

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